No matter what.

Felt like the flu this weekend but you got to paint , no matter what.

From Right to Left:

25min Oil on canvas. Burnt Umber on Toned BU ground.

25min Burnt Umber, White, Ochre On BU ground.

50min Full Zorn pallet on BU ground.

Just trying to learn to draw with a long hairy stick.

3 ring circus


2 Hours. Oil on plastic coated canvas. Zorn pallete.

Someone at the workshop asked me why I used a Zorn pallete, which is a limited pallete mixed from Zinc white, yellow ochre, alizarine Crimson and Lamp black. Its because oil painting is like a 3 ring circus. It’s a lot of technical stuff to manage while still trying to capture a likeness.

It’s like trying to tie your shoes while you are in a 100 yard dash.



…from the church of the Naked.

One of my favorite things is to a attend a live model workshop with other artists on Sunday afternoon. I have been doing it regularly since 1994.

This painting study is from Sunday. 9×12 oil on canvass board using a Zorn color palette I premixed for use in a self-portrait the day before. (no pun intended).

More on the Zorn palette in the next post.

Paint brain

10×14″ -Oil on Masonite

I’ve been averaging one oil painting a week for 4 weeks now. I am starting to see these paintings in my sleep, really. Its as if they are getting burned on to my retinas after staring at them for hours at a time.

1) First break after about one hour.

2) Final after 6 hours total and 3 breaks.

Sometimes these things swing wide between success and disaster so don’t get too cocky. You should see all the wrong turns I made between these 2 examples of beginning and end.


Hal -Oil on Canvas 18×24″

9-8-2016 Day One: Water main broke at the studio about 30 minutes before the session was to begin. I had asked the model to wear a black jacket or at least long sleves. Mostly to save time on the painting session. Also, the model was going to bring a canvas with him at 10×10″, this also to save time by just painting the head.

None of these things worked out in my favor. That’s life.

I shut off the water main. Selected a grey primed 18×24″ canvas and started a full length seated. Hal had some unusual scars on his arms particularly a good one on his right forearm from a dance with a plate glass window. These were all nice details anyway.

The first session lasted from 11am until 3pm with a few breaks and a snack. Hal was really a patient model and good storyteller so a good time was had by all.

The first session was blocked in to my satisfaction and I took a few photos for reference.

I picked up the brushes the next day and spent 3 solid hours lighting the face, hair and eyes.

I am about done except some background area fill and defining the weight on the left side so that his arm makes sense where it is. One more day on this one, I think.